A midsize boombox from the early 80s that was given several different brand names.

Nippon SRR013

The Nippon SRR-013 is a ghettoblaster from the early 1980s. It measures 518mm wide and 304mm tall with the handle down (367mm with it up). It weighs 6.0 KG. It accepts ten D-cell batteries. The power amplifier consists of two Philips TDA1010A chips. The woofers are 6 inches, 4 ohms, and 10 watts. The tweeters are 1.5 inches, 4 ohms, and 5 watts. It has black plastic "basket weave" speaker grills. I was thinking about removing them, but unfortunately they are part of the plastic case mold, and cannot be removed.

There were a few re-branded versions of it, including the Yoko, the Siemens Club 794, the Audiologic JB1048B, the CCE Jumbo CSC-2000, and the Viking SRC-7394. The label on the back of the Nippon does not say where it was manufactured, but the Viking says it was made in Hong Kong, so I suspect all of them were.





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